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Sleek Production
Inquiry Form ( You will receive a response in 24 to 48 hours after submission)
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You Just Moments Away From Your Sleek Journey

Thank you for your interest in a pitch consultation meeting with our team! You should know most pitches come from professional writers and producers. It is their job to sell material to networks and they are good at it. They have agents, managers, and talent relationships that make them more attractive than buying an unsolicited idea from an unproven person. The Mariah Agency LLC and its affiliates are industry professionals who are working as consultants to help develop and/or polish your pitch, so it's pitch-worthy. We'll help you create and develop all the pitch materials such as treatments, synopses, and submission collateral that will make your concept compelling, so you can get to selling! 


Sleek Studios Pitch development meeting requirements:

  • Pitch deck or PowerPoint This is a 1 to 5-page document that lays out the premise of your show & its structure. 

  • Complete the Sleek Studios Project Questionnaire and submit the required $500 fee

  • Sign the confidentiality or mutual non-disclosure agreement



Neither Sleek Studios, Inc., Sleek Co-work & Media LLC, nor Sleek by the Mariah Agency, LLC (collectively, "The Mariah Agency LLC") nor any of its parents, subsidiaries, affiliates, contractors or any of their directors, officers, or employees bear any liability to any producers or any other third parties based on the information (or lack of information) provided through this submission. All obligations of Sleek Studios to producers or any other persons doing business with Sleek by Mariah Agency LLC are covered solely by definitive executed agreements to which The Mariah Agency is a party. Prior to the mutual execution of such agreement, The Mariah Agency LLC shall have no financial or other obligations with respect to any deal terms discussed and/or agreed to in principle. For clarification, any costs/expenses or other activities are incurred at your own cost and risk until the full execution of any relevant agreements.

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